Nürnberg - U Nikudy/Mora/Kachannie

 Greetings everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing the first album from the Belarussian post punk band, Nürnberg. For those who don't know, Nürnberg is a duo from Minsk, Belarus, the same place where Molchat Doma come from! This is their first EP, actually, however I feel like it should get it's own post. With that being said, let's jump into this record.

We are greeted with the first track, Intro, which is driven by some haunting guitar chords. The song has a slow beat, and a juicy bassline. Already loving this EP.

Next we have the title track, U Nikudy. This track is much more energetic and features actual vocals, these being very dark and loud, with a lot of effects on them. Overall, this track is amazing.

Moving on, we have Patanuć. This one was a bit slower, with a more melancholic feel to it. The guitar on this track sounded especially nice.

Next we have Los. This track didn't do much more for me, personally. The vocals weren't anything amazing, and the guitar melodies were OK.

Finally, we have the short Outro. This track was slow and sad. The bass was so nice and the guitar sounded incredibly soothing. This is definetly one of my favourite songs from the guys!

So overall, this EP was an amazing start for their discography and I can't wait to see what else they hold in store for me. 

Favourite tracks: Intro, U Nikudy, Patanuć, Outro;
Score: 9/10

Mora (2019)

You might be wondering, what the hell I'm doing? Well, this review was a bit short, so I thought, why not review Nürnberg's over 2 singles.

Mora was a slow and melancholic track with no vocals at all. The drums felt especially powerful and the guitar on this track sounded amazing. The track was highly reverbed, and gave this song an almost nostalgic feel to it. Definetly an amazing track.

Score: 9/10

Kachannie (2021)

This is their latest single, and for me, it was just OK. Sure the guitar sounded nice, but it didn't really stick in my head as a special song.

Score: 6/10


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