Queen - News Of The World

 Welcome back everyone to my blog. Today, we are reviewing The News Of The World, the 9 o'clock news, here on Queen TV.

Tonight's headliner is We Will Rock You. Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we have already discussed this topic, because everyone at the moment is legally obligated to sing the chorus to this song whenever it comes on.

Our second headliner is We Are The Champions. Once again, the entire human population must know this song, otherwise they will be deleted off of this world.

Next we have Sheer Heart Attack. Not the album, but the song. We have loud, energetic guitar melodies, with heavy punk influences. The fast drums and Mr. Freddie Mercury's vocals work together to create a bloody good song.

We now have a sudden change of tone, with the rather melancholic, mainly vocal and piano driven All Dead, All Dead. We have a nice and simple song here, ladies and gentlemen, not much else to say.

Spread Your Wings was, in our humble opinion, an OK track. We did not find anything quite that special with this track.

Fight From The Inside was another mediocre track, not only featuring someone else's vocals, but also not that catchy of a melody.

Get Down, Make Love was once again, a mediocre track, in our opinion. We didn't find vocals very special, and neither the tunes, similiar to the previous song.

We finally return to the better songs with Sleeping On The Sidewalk, with vocals from Mr. Brian May, and a very nice beat and some catchy guitar work. Finally, a change for the better in this album.

Who Needs You had a more Spanish feel to it, with a Spanish guitar, maracas and a cowbell. What is interesting is that Mr. Freddie's vocals are panned entirely on the right ear, and the guitar on the left.

It's Late was a long track, that we didn't quite enjoy. The guitars weren't anything special for us, and neither were the melodies.

But we end the album on a high note with the jazzy, My Melancholy Blues, featuring nothing but a piano and bass.

So, this album took a few risks with a few songs, some of which not sitting well with us, however we find some nice classic rock songs, mixed some slower songs, which work surprisingly well together, and gives a pretty good album. That's all for tonight, thank you for tuning to The News Of The World.

Favourite tracks: We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, Sheer Heart Attack, All Dead All Dead, Sleeping On The Sidewalk, Who Needs You, My Melancholy Blues;
Score: 8/10


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