Queen - Hot Space

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today we are reviewing what is often considered the worst Queen album, Hot Space. But why? you might say. Well, the band had slowly been diverging more and more from their rock sound, and towards a more pop influenced sound, causing many fans to be very disappointed. I, for one, love synthpop and synthwave, however past Queen songs in this style have been mediocre at best. Let's see how this album holds up.

We start with Staying Power, which sounds like your standard 80s synthpop song, thus making it sound generic and forgettable. The horns weren't anything special, and was generally just a mediocre song.

Dancer was, once again, super generic and forgettable. Tho it reminds me of The Rick Dance song for some reason.

Back Chat, again, generic. It's the same problem here as with most Imagine Dragon records: The songs sound identical!

Body Language and Action This Day, whilst not as generic, are mediocre at best.

Put Out The Fire gives us some hope, with the classic hard rock sound we love. Also the name really fits. A pretty good song to Put Out The Garbage Fire that were the previous songs.

Life Is Real is a dedication to John Lennon, and even though the vocals sound good, the instrumental and rest of the song, sounds SO boring.

Calling All Girls sounds boring. That's it.

Las Palabras De Amor, on the other side, is a much nicer song to be sure. A romantic ballad. Simple, but nice.

Cool Cat sounded pretty good, until the vocals kicked in. Freddie sings in this super high pitched voice the entire song, and it sounds so goofy!

Thankfully, we end the album on a high note, with Under Pressure. We all love this song, it's a banger.

But the rest of this album, is just not a good time. Mediocre and generic sounding songs all over. An awful mess!

the colour combinations on everyone except freddie, are terrible.
Favourite tracks: Put Out The Fire, Las Palabras De Amor, Under Pressure;
Score: 3/10


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