Queen - Made In Heaven

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, we are reviewing Queen's final album, Made In Heaven. This is a "posthumous" album of sorts, because it was released 4 years after Freddie's death, thus the band's death as well. But somehow, the group managed to make an entire album out of recordings Freddie made while he was still alive. Let's see how that turned out...

We open on It's A Beautiful Day, a short piano driven song. Not that special, but was a decent opener.

Next we have the title track, which is actually a remake of a song off of Freddie's solo album. And I must say, this version is miles better than the original version. It sounds so much better with a guitar.

Let Me Live was a mediocre song. Roger Taylor sings on here as well, but it really just pulls the song down. It also drags on for way too long.

Mother Love is a bit more of a mellower song, with vocals from Brian May. The guitar on here sounds incredibly nice, and it creates a gorgeous atmosphere.

My Life Has Been Saved is a much pop-ier song, and it disappoints.

I Was Born To Love You is in the same vein as Let Me Live: long, and rather forgettable.

Heaven For Everyone is another pop influenced song, with not that much in the realm of progression. It's also very quiet, and drags on for too long.

Too Much Love Will Kill You sounds like Heaven For Everyone, but a bit shorter.

You Don't Fool Me. Again, boring.

A Winter's Tale is actually pretty nice song, with a nice gentle feel.

It's A Beautiful Day (Reprise) is just a more rock sounding version of the opener, which somehow sounds worse.

In contrast, the song Yeah is probably my favourite song from Queen. It's really good. It's only 4 seconds long, it's straight to the point, it's fun, it sounds good. It great to sing along to as well. Here, have the lyrics:


Incredible stuff, am I right?

And finally, we end with Untitled, which is just 22 minutes of ambient nonsense. Really saw no need for this track, thus ending the album on a bit of a lull.

Funny to see how both Queen and Pink Floyd ended their discographies the same way: after a band member's death, the remaining ones tried to make an album out of scraps and leftovers, creating a rather bad record, ending their discographies in the worst ways possible. Just like Pink Floyd, I will be making a video ranking their albums on my YT channel. So, see you their...

Favourite tracks: It's A Beautiful Day, Made In Heaven, Mother Love, A Winter's Tale, Yeah;
Score: 3/10


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