Radiohead - The Bends

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Radiohead's sophomore release, The Bends. After the disappointment that was their debut, we find considerable evolution in this album. Much more memorable hooks and better moments.

However, that can't be said about the opener Planet Telex, with some very annoying vocals, a bland sounding rock instrumental and little to no progression, leading to the four minute length of this track being rather forced.

Same with the title track, with a very forgettable instrumental and barely audible vocals.

But after those two, we get into the good stuff with High And Dry. The easy going instrumental, the soft vocals, they all culminate to create a nice, yet mellow song.

But the saddest song on here has to be Fake Plastic Trees. A similiar instrumental to the previous track, but the vocal performance really sets it apart. We also find a more energetic section in the middle, later returning to the melancholy of the rest of the song.

Bones is a considerably shorter song, but not that memorable. The only thing I remember from here is the weirder vocal performance from Thom Yorke.

(Nice Dream) brings back the mellower sounds, but still maintaining some of that energy. The gentle vocal performance is what really gets me here.

Just is another pretty good song, with harder hitting instrumentals and louder vocals. A nice change of pace.

My Iron Lung is a very annoying song, with it starting sadder, then getting angrier, than changes tempo, this song really rubs me the wrong way.

Bulletproof... I Wish I Was brings back the sadness this record is known for. Very nice guitars on here and beautiful vocals.

Black Star is probably my favourite song on here. The melancholic chord progression, the "tired" vocal performance, even the chorus keeps this mournfulness. Incredible track.

Sulk is a rather forgettable song, sounding rather similiar to the rest of the harder tracks on here.

But Street Spirit (Fade Out) stands out amongst the rest with it's urgent sounding guitar arpeggios, but mournful vocals. It all sounds so hopeless, but also acceptant at the same time. A gorgeous closer to this album.

The album was a mixed bag to say the least. We have a lot harder, and rather overblown songs. But then we have the mellower tracks which I really enjoyed. But nonetheless, it is a considerable step-up from their debut. Massive step up.

Favourite tracks: High And Dry, Fake Plastic Trees, (Nice Dream), Just, Bulletproof... I Wish I Was, Black Star, Street Spirit (Fade Out);
Score: 7/10


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