Radiohead - Pablo Honey

 Yup, we're reviewing Radiohead. Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be discussing Radiohead's debut album, Pablo Honey. First of all, who is this band? Well, if you're reading this than you already know who they are. I don't have tell you who this band is, let's get into the review.

We start with You, which sounds like a generic 90s grunge song. I'm going to just say it, this song is boring and overdramatic.

Next we have the band's most famous song, Creep. Now, most Radiohead fans will absolutely hate this song, and so does the band. But, I must acknowledge that this song is pretty good.

How Do You? sounds really generic.

Stop Whispering is boring.

Thinking About You is actually pretty nice, given the use of weirder guitar plucks and calmer feel.

Anyone Can Play Guitar returns to the generic sound.

Ripchord sounds the same. So does Vegetable. And Prove Yourself. And I Can't. I'm not trying to be lazy here, the songs are just so monotone.

Lurgee is more of the same.

And we end the album on a sour note with Blow Out. More generic grunge music.

This album is absolutely forgettable. No substance, no flair, and it does not compare at all with the band's later works.

Favourite tracks: Creep, Thinking About You;
Score: 1/10


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