Queen - The Miracle

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Queen's 1989 release, The Miracle. After the disappointment that was A Kind Of Magic, I was hoping that Queen would give a more substantial release. Let's see what they gave us...

We open on Party. A pretty nice, jammy song, but JESUS CHRIST WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE PANNING?!?!?! The vocals are on my left and on my right, and the guitar is spinning around me, like... what?

Khashoggi's Ship was a decent song, but rather forgettable.

Then we have the title track. This song is incredibly nostalgic to me. I don't know about you, but my dad would play this all the time. I love this song so much. The guitar, the vocals, the melodies are just amazing. But that transition from the end is a bit weird, but apart from that, this song is amazing.

I Want It All. yes please.

The Invisible Man is a pretty nice song, but a bit annoying in my opinion. I get the vocals are meant to be all animated and such, but I find this song just annoying. The synths are also rather out of place.

Breakthru is a pretty nice song, but I would be lying if said I could remember this song at all. It's pretty forgettable.

Rain Must Fall has a pretty annoying drum rhythm, the synths are also pretty out of place. The song is general sounds out of place.

Scandal is another forgettable song.

My Baby Does Me is another forgettable song. The entire back end of this album is pretty mediocre.

Was It All Worth It. Not really.

This album is really mediocre. If I were to define this album in one word, it would forgettable. Apart from the beginning of this record, I really don't have that much to say about this record. It's just that forgettable.

this album cover says a lot about the band's image.
Favourite tracks: Party, The Miracle, I Want It All;
Score: 3/10


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