AC/DC - Back in Black

 Hello everybody! Welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be talking about one of AC/DC's most beloved albums, Back in Black. This was suggested by a classmate of mine, and said why not, since I already loved AC/DC's music, why not listen to this.

Right of the bat, Hells Bells, was an amazing start to the album. Even though it had a slower beat, it was still amazing.

Shoot to Thrill was another great song and the drum oriented part around the middle of the song was a pleasant surprise.

What Do You Do For Money Honey and Giving The Dog a Bone were pretty similiar, but still amazing. Loved the guitar work in both of them!

Let Me Put My Love Into You was a bit slower, but still had a nice head-bopping beat and the guitar riff around the end, was just amazing.

Back in Black was definitely my favourite song, because of it's epic drums and guitar riffs. Straight up epicness!

You Shook Me All Night Long and Have a Drink on Me were another pair of great songs, the main attractions being the epic guitar work.

Shake a Leg was rock 'n' roll fun. It was perfection!

Finally, Rock 'n' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution, even though it didn't sound like rock 'n' roll, was just pure epicness. I loved the vocals during the chorus, accompanied with that sweet, sweet guitar!

What else can I say? It was a great album!

Favourite tracks: Hells Bells, Shoot to Thrill, Let Me Put My Love Into You, Back in Black, You Shook Me All Night Long, Shake a Leg, Rock 'n' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution;
Score: 9/10


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