Aphex Twin - Syro

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Aphex Twin's sixth studio album, Syro. Keep in mind that it had been 13 years since Aphex Twin's last studio album at the time of this record's release. While Mr. Richard's previous album, DrukQs, was a an absolute masterpiece, I have heard a lot of people bad-mouth this album for being to bland. Let's see if that's true... 

Starting off the album, we have minipops 67. A rather calm beat-oriented track, mixed with some distorted vocal samples and an acid house-like synth. Towards the end of the track, more vocal samples are added in, which add a very nice feel to this song. A great start to this album. 

Next we have XMAS_EVET10, with a slow beat, similiar to minipops 67, difference being this track brings in more synths, that add a very alien feel to it, just like any other song from this guy. My only gripe with this song is that drags on for way to long. I sure 10 minutes is a bit of an exageration, especially with more repetitive songs. 

produk 29 has a bit more of a hip-hop vibe to it, with a bit more of a head bopping beat. The synths are pretty cool too. However, this song isn't very memorable. 

4 bit 9d api+e+6 is similiar to XMAS_EVET10, featuring a slower beat and some acid-house synths. This one's a bit more memorable than the previous song. 

180db_ was like the Ventolin of this album, featuring a sharp reoccuring song and as much, not allowing me to enjoy it as much. 

CIRCLONT6A was a really cool song, featuring a saw bassline and some really cool synths. Also, this song has a really catchy breakbeat rhythm to it. Definetly one of my favourite songs on this album. 

fz pseudotimestretch+e+3 was just a bunch of weird noises and a short melody. Nothing really enjoyable. 

CIRCLONT14 had a really cool beat and acid synths, and even though it was rather simple, I really enjoyed it. 

syro u473t8+e was a really energetic song and for some reason, I just really enjoyed. I don't know if it was the glitchy bassline or the fun beat, but I really liked it. 

PAPAT4 is a much faster song compared to all the others on this album. It would have fitted perfectly on The Richard D. James Album. The fast, all over the place beat, the soothing synths, it would have been right at home. 

Slowing down the beats, we have s950txwasr10. It really didn't leave that much of an impression on me. Really forgetable. 

And finally, a very unexpected song, aisatsana. This song did not feel Aphex Twin at all, it felt more like something from the Minecraft Soundtrack. Very soothing and calming. A rather nice way to end this album. 

So, what are overall thoughts? Whilst the album has some good songs, I understand the hate behind this album, that after 13 years, all we got was this. And I understand that. But you have to admit that this album has some good material.

Favourite tracks: minipops 67, XMAS_EVET10, 4 bit 9d api+e+6, CIRCLONT6A, CIRCLONT14, syro u473t8+e, PAPAT4, aisatsana
Score: 7/10


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