Depresión Sonora - Historias Tristes Para Dormir Bien

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Depresión Sonora's second album, Historias Tristes Para Dormir Bien. I really don't have anything else to say, so let's just jump in.

The first song we have is Apocalipsis Virtual. It a great beginning to this record. It has a catchy melody and an overall great vibe. Sorry for not having too much say about these tracks, but Depresión Sonora's songs are rather simple, and that's their charm.

Next we have Generación Perdida, Diversión Prohibida is a much more melancholic track compared to Apocalipsis Virtual. Still, it has a really nice, and soothing guitar lead.

La Casa del Arbol was a rather forgetable track, in my opinion. The melodies didn't do much for me.

In comparison, Gasolina y Mechero is a short, but upbeat track with a great guitar lead and a generally nice vibe.

And finally, we have Tu No Me Tienes Que Salvar. This track was a bit slower and was quite as memorable as the other tracks on this record. It was OK.

So, this album, in my opinion, is a bit weaker compared to his self titled debut, however, this record was still really nice.

Favourite tracks: Apocalipsis Virtual, Generación Perdida Diversión Prohibida, Gasolina y Mechero;
Score: 7/10


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