Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, we are starting a new discography for the legendary prog rock band, Pink Floyd. Once again, similiar to how I was introduced to Aphex Twin, Jojo was the main reason I checked out their music. They did not disappoint at all. And now with that my blog exists, I can talk about their beautiful discography (At the time of writing this post, I have already listened to all of their albums, up until The Wall). With that being said, let's jump straight into the review.

We start with the thumping Astronomy Domine. This track was very energetic and had some very nice sounding guitar. Little to no lyrics are sang in this song, and are instead replaced by samples and loud guitars. A pretty good start to the album.

Next we have Lucifer Sam. This song's instrumental had an almost Gorillaz-sounding feel to it. The dark guitar melodies and powerful drums made for a relatively OK track.

Moving on, we have Matilda Mother. Featuring a slower beat and more lyrics, made for another OK song.

Flaming was a shorter track, which featured some highly experimental percussion, mixing in elements of acoustic and very weird vocals. Another OK song.

Pow R. Toc. H had an almost jazz feel to it, with it's louder bass and piano driven melody. That's what I thought until it abruptly transitioned to another highly experimental section, which sounded like a bunch of random strumming and other noises. Thankfully, it returned to a jazz like feel towards the end of the song.

Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk had a very guitar lead, with a very catchy section around the 1:30 mark, later reverting back to harder feel of earlier. A very nice track.

We now find our very first 9 minute track in Pink Floyd's discography, Interstellar Overdrive. It featured a lot of experimental jams all around the duration of the song. It was pretty nice actually.

The Gnome was a short, catchy song. Very nice.

Chapter 24 was an OK song, featuring some experimental guitar work and odd vocals, this song being highly reverbed.

Scarecrow was a good track, featuring more weird percussion, that sounded a lot like a horses steps.

And finally, we have Bike, which featured some moments of calm, mixed with louder guitar melodies and powerful drums. Then it goes silent for a bit, then suddenly barfs out a bunch of random SFX. This song was pretty good, until these noises took up half of the track.

Looking back, after listening to The Big 4, this album really isn't anything special, and the vocals and guitar work of Syd Barrett really do not compare to David Gilmour's abilities. This record was just OK.

Favourite tracks: Astronomy Domine, Pow R. Toc. H, Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk, Interstellar Overdrive, The Gnome, Scarecrow;
Score: 6/10


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