Top 10 Depresión Sonora Songs

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog! Today, I will be ranking my personal top 10 favourite Depresión Sonora songs. I don't have anything else to say, apart from the fact that Depresión Sonora only has 10 songs, so I'm basically ranking his entire discography.

10) Hay Que Abandonar Este Lugar: This is my least favourite Depresión Sonora track, but that's not to say that it's bad, but it just feels like a not so good version of the song that was before it on the album, that being Mira Mis Ojos.

9) La Casa de Arbol: This track just felt boring, and even the vocals are great, the guitar pull down the song.

8) Tu No Me Tienes Que Salvar: Once again, this track just felt a bit boring and didn't do much for me.

7) Generación Perdida, Diversión Prohibida: This song has a more melancholic feel to it and feels a bit nostalgic for some reason. I love the synths and guitar in this track.
6) Dime Que Me Odias: Now we've gotten into the truly amazing tracks. This song has a really nice guitar and soothing synths, and the beat sounds better than usual, for some reason.

5) Apocalipsis Virtual: This song has a more rock oriented feel to it, and it sounds absolutely amazing. I love the fast paced feel this song has.

4) Hasta Que Llegue la Muerte: Despite the dark title, this track has a fast beat and a super catchy guitar melody.

3) Gasolina y Mechero: This song has an energetic feel to it, and is just an amazing track.

2) Ya No Hay Verano: This is Depresión Sonora's most well known song, and for good reason. It's super catchy and energetic. It's amazing, but my favourite track from this man is something a bit slower...

And that song is...

1) Mira Mis Ojos: This song has a melancholic vibe to it, a heavy bass and an amazing guitar lead. It's just amazing!

the man himself looking rather snazzy.


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