Nürnberg - Skryvaj

Greetings once again, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I am reviewing Nürnberg's first studio album, not EP, Skryvaj. Fun Fact: Roman Komogortsev of Molchat Doma helped mix and master this album, and also played a couple synth melodies on this record. This had me very hyped up for this album. Let's see if it really delivered on that.

Right of the bat, Usio Roŭna is a highly energetic song with some absolutely  amazing guitar melodies and a super catchy bassline. One of the best starts to an album I have ever seen.

Next we have Biessensoŭnasć. The guitar melodies were OK and the bassline was great, but the vocals didn't really do it for me on this song.

Spać also had some rather weird vocals, but these ones were a bit more bearable compared to the previous song. The guitar melodies were also great on this song, and the bassline was also pretty nice.

Staracca was a turn to the melancholic, with some slow guitar melodies and deep, distant vocals. Also, this track has a repeating tom pattern, everytime the chorus started, but what I mean is that it would play four different times during, said chorus.

Niemahčyma gave me some Biessensoŭnasć vibes with the merrier feel and faster beat. The song didn't leave that big of an impression on me.

Rasplyvajecca was the same. Meh.

Žorstka was a return to melancholy, similiar to Staracca. Slow beat, mourning guitar melodies and nice bassline. A great track overall.

Finally, we have Valasy, which a bit more of a "hopeful" feel to it, especially seen in the guitar melodies. It was a pretty nice ending to the album, however, it wasn't the best.

So, overall, the album was good, but it clearly had room to improve. Yet, it still was pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good.

Favourite tracks: Usio Roŭna, Spać, Staracca, Žorstka, Valasy;
Score: 7/10


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