Queen - A Night At The Opera

 Greetings everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing what is often considered the best Queen album, A Night At The Opera. Let's see if that's so...

The first song on the record is the incredible Death On Two Legs. This track has some astonishing vocal performances. Also I love how Freddie talks about how you can "kiss his ass goodbye". I just love that. And the guitar on this song is legendary. An absolutely amazing start to this album.

Then we switch to a short piano driven song, Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon is a nice, fun track.

Next we have the infamous I'm In Love With My Car, where Roger Taylor, the drummer of Queen, describes his then car is great detail and sings about how much he loves it. A bit too much actually...

Moving on we have a much more laid-back song, that being You're My Best Friend. It's just another simple, but nice track, similiar to Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon.

'39 was a mediocre track in my opinion. The country feel of this song didn't do it for me.

In contrast, Sweet Lady was a simple rock song with some killer guitar melodies, and the vocals were also great. And the ending guitar solo was also really nice.

Seaside Rendezvous was another simple track. This once have a similiar jazz feel to Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon.

The Prophet's Song started like any rock song, than turned into a mainly vocal driven song, then just straight up acapella, which was surprisingly catchy. Around the end they brought back the guitar, to end of this great track.

love of my life. need i say more?

Good Company was a nice and simple rock 'n' roll sounding track.

And then... Bohemian Rhapsody. Is there anything to say about this song that hasn't already been said. This song is legendary.

And finally, we have God Save The Queen. Yeah, it was OK.

So, this album had a very diverse selection of songs, featuring various styles and such, with few lows this album holds up incredibly well!

Favourite tracks: Death On Two Legs, Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon, You're My Best Friend, Sweet Lady, Seaside Rendezvous, The Prophet's Song, Love Of My Life, Good Company, Bohemian Rhapsody;
Score: 10/10


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