Aphrodite's Child - End Of The World

 Welcome back to my blog. Today, we will start reviewing the short discography of Aphrodite's Child. Who is Aphrodite's Child, you may say. Well, it is a Greek band formed in 1967, comprised of world famous singer, Demis Roussos, highly talented musician, Vangelis and Loukas Sideras. How did I discover this band? Well, a while back, I was watching LEMMiNO's documentary, Grazed By The Apocalypse. During this video, he plays a short clip from the title track of this album. I really liked, so I listened to it. On repeat. Now I have blog where I review albums. I listened to all three of their albums in one Minecraft session. Let's jump into their first album.

The title track opens on a bunch of keys slammed, as Mr. Demis Roussos' vocals creep in. Beautiful instrumental, gorgeous singing, amazing vibe. This is a song for the ages.

We suddenly move to a much groovier song, with Don't Try To Catch A River. Some very jazzy horns play, as we also hear traditional percussion. Mr. Demis' vocal performance sounds especially smooth. Could have lived without the vocal harmonies tho.

Mister Thomas is a slower song. A weirder instrumental and mediocre vocals created a rather forgettable song.

But we return to the great songs with Rain And Tears. A romantic, ballad-like song, with flutes and violins creating a beautiful serene atmosphere. Mr. Demis' has especially soothing vocals on here.

The Grass In No Green is a much longer song, with filtered vocals, creating a much more psychedelic feel, also thanks to the slower beat, and atmospheric chords. A highlight for this album.

Next we have Valley Of Sadness was an OK song. The vocals weren't anything special, the instrumental was forgettable, and was generally a mediocre song.

Whilst Valley Of Sadness was a slower song, You Always Stand In My Way was a much more energetic song. Loud vocals and a much more hard rock-like instrumental, with more focus on the guitar.

The Shepard and The Moon was another energetic song, but the instrumental wasn't quite my cup of tea. The vocals were also mediocre at best.

We end the album with Day Of The Fool, a progressive song with some very beautiful instrumentals and passionate vocals. Some of my favourite parts of this song are the gentle and quiet sections, where Mr. Demis' sings so smoothly and it's so serene.

Overall, a pretty good debut album. The band has a lot of potential and can build on this sound. However, on their sophomore album, they went in a different direction...

this is one of trippiest album covers i have ever seen.
Favourite tracks: End Of The World, Don't Try To Catch A River, Rain And Tears, The Grass In No Green, You Always Stand In My Way, Day Of The Fool;
Score: 7/10


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