Joy Division - Closer

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Joy Division's second and last album, Closer. Released 2 months after frontman, Ian Curtis committed suicide, we see a bit more of a different sound compared to Unknown Pleasures.

We open on Atrocity Exhibition, the song, not the album. Anyway, it's pretty good, but I find the vocals rather annoying and the percussion doesn't sound very powerful.

Isolation has better sounding vocals, but the percussion on here still sounds pretty bad. The song, in general, sounds rather goofy.

Passover finally brings us some substance. Ominous guitars and vocals, powerful drumming and thicc basslines.

Colony is in the same vein, but this sounding a bit brighter.

A Means To An End is rather forgettable, in my opinion. It doesn't really stand out in anyway.

Heart And Soul, on the other hand, brings us something new. Reverb drenched... everything, gentle synth pads, heavy basslines and some very nice percussion.

Twenty Four Hours is a much more energetic song compared to it's predecessor. Whilst we still find ominous sounds, we have a much faster beat, and overall a different vibe.

In contrast, The Eternal is probably the band's most melancholic song yet. It's slow, sorrow beat, mournful guitar melodies and vocals, and a slow and oppressing bassline.

Unfortunately, we end the album on a bit of a lull. Decades was a pretty mediocre song, in my opinion. I don't find anything very special about it.

Overall, the album was pretty good. It opens rather bad, but towards the end we find the better songs. A good listen, but I 100% recommend that you listen to their debut instead of this.

Favourite tracks: Passover, Colony, Heart And Soul, Twenty Four Hours, The Eternal;
Score: 6/10


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