Pink Floyd - The Endless River

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Pink Floyd's final album, The Endless River. This record was released 20 years after The Division Bell, which was considered the band's final release, but no. This album was comprised of scraps and instrumentals from The Division Bell sessions, also featuring only one song with vocals. Let's see how this record sounds then...

We open on Things Left Unsaid, a pretty nice ambient opener. I'm starting to see a pattern here, that with every album during this David Gilmour-led era, we open on an ambient song. Anyway, this is pretty nice.

It's What We Do sounds like a cheap knock-off of Welcome To The Machine.

Ebb And Flow is a short section with not that much to it.

Sum is a pretty nice rock song.

And Skins, Unsung and Anisina sounds pretty much the same.

The Lost Art Of Conversation has some pretty nice strings and pianos.

On Noodle Street is actually pretty jazzy. Definetly a highlight of the record.

Night Light is another short ambient piece.

Allons-y 1, Autumn '68, Allons-y 2 and Talkin' Hawkin' sound pretty much the same, short rock instrumentals.

Calling is a pretty nice, string driven song, with some powerful guitar plucks.

Eyes To Pearls and Surfacing, again, same instrumental rock.

And finally, we have Louder Than Words, the only song with singing on this album. It's decent.

This whole album is more or less, more of the same. Not much diversity or any memorable moments. Not quite the best way to end the discography of this monumental band. We've had ups and downs all the way through. Unforgettable releases and some that really make you question your sanity. By ending this discography with this mediocre release, we end an amazing meal, with a decent dessert. It was a wild ride wasn't it? Also, I shall not be making a top 20 tracks from Pink Floyd, but instead will be ranking their discography on my YT channel. See you there!

Score: 3/10


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