Skee Mask - Shred

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing the debut studio album from Skee Mask, Shred. First of all, Skee Mask is a German ambient techno producer that appeared on the underground scene with this album. Let's see what is has to show...

We open on Everest, a mostly ambient song with quiet SFX and synth washes cascading through the soundscape. Not a bad start.

Hal Conv. has a subtle beat, with multiple melodic elements, such as synth pads and brief leads. Another pretty nice song.

Autotuned is a highlight thanks to it's metallic sounding percussion and deep synth pad washes, also being a mostly beat driven song.

Shred 08 is another beat oriented song, with much louder beats and less prominent synth pads.

Backcountry has some really nice sounding synth pads. Another highlight of the album.

Melczop 2 is a rather repetitive song, with not much to it.

Zenker Haze Tank sounds a bit too light hearted for me. The beat is rather annoying too.

Reshape is pretty similiar to Backcountry, but shorter, thus creating a very brief, but melodic song after these two repetitive beat focused tracks.

Japan Air is another pretty nice song, but it's rather repetitive, and the beat has nothing special to it.

Shady Jibbin' has very subtle melodic elements and is mainly focused around a repetitive sounding drum pattern.

Panorama isn't anything special either.

And we end the album on a bit of sour note, as South Mathematikz is a bland sounding song, similiar to the rest of the second half of the album.

Overall, the album started very strong, but slowly lost it's composure. It drags on for a bit too long. The production sounds very clean and lush, but that does not save the second half of this record.

Favourite tracks: Everest, Hal Conv., Autotuned, Backcountry, Reshape;
Score: 6/10


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