Top 10 Molchat Doma Songs

Hey guys, what's up? Hope all is good! Today, I will be ranking my top 10 favourite Molchat Doma songs. I have decided that after finishing a band/artist's discography, I will be ranking my top 10 favourite tracks from them. Keep in mind that this is strictly my opinion and not anybody else's. With that being said, let's jump straight into the list!

Note: This was EXTREMLY hard to make. So many great songs...

10) Ответа Нет: This song has a slow beat, and an overall melancholic vibe to it. It feels very cold, as if this song is your partner and your relationship has soured. Anyways, this is a great song!

9) Дома Молчат: Moving on to a much more upbeat song, Дома Молчат has a very triumphant feel to it, and one of the best bass synths I have ever heard.

8) На Дне: As the opening track of Этажи, it immediately tells you what this album is about. A dark bassline and powerful, but slow lead synth. Amazing track!

7) Обрчен: This song has a slower beat, and much more relaxed tone to it, as if there isn't much else to do, so you rest, and after the rollercoaster that was Утонуть, this track does give you a break.

6) Судно: Ah yes, the infamous Судно. This song has an upbeat tone to it, but the guitar and vocals tell a different story. And the lyrics of course are something else. This track is just an absolute banger!

5) Kрыши: Let's calm down a bit, and enjoy the sad guitar of Kрыши. This song legitimately has a depressing vibe to it, and I love that. 

4) Танцевать: And back to fast beats. We all love this song, it's amazing. You can't hold back your head boping. Embrace it, and just destroy the dance floor. It's impossible to not love this song.

3) Утонуть: OH BOI!! This track... this track... beautiful. That's all I can say. Beautiful.

2) Звезды: Another great song! This track feels very simple, but at the same time. The guitar work and synths in this song are just amazing.

And finally...

1) Клетка: This song holds a special place in my heart, as the song that made me love Molchat Doma so much. While Судно was the first song I heard from the band, this is what really did it for me. The melancholic guitar and powerful bassline... there just beautiful.

Thank you for reading my top 10. Feel free to comment your list.

the mustachios from minsk.


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