The End of Electronics - Safety Guidelines

Hey Ya! Welcome back to the blog. Today, I will be reviewing The End of Electronics' second album, Safety Guidelines. After listening to his first album, Union, and seeing how there was still room for improvement, I was hoping that Mr. Skarletov would turn the production up a notch. Well, all I can say is that he exceeded my expectations by a lot! 

Starting off the album, we have the ominous Citizen. The vocals are much calmer and the guitar sounds really cool. The record is starting off strong! 

Next we have Doppelganger, featuring a powerful synth lead and great vocals. Also, I should mention that the vocals sound much cleaner than in Union.
Decadence had a slower beat and a more melancholic vibe compared to the previous 2 songs. The vocals felt sadder than usual and so did the guitar. Very cool song though! 

Moving on, we have Proletarian Gothic. A very energetic song, featuring a very nice guitar lead and vocals. The bassline in this song was one of the best I had seen. 

Goddess of The Underground came next, and had a pretty different vibe compared to other previous songs on this album. It felt very mysterious and the song's name only added to that feel. The vocals felt very ominous, yet powerful at the same time and the guitar had a bit more of a rock feel to it.

Ritual didn't really bring anything new to the table, was pretty forgetable actually. 

Safety Guidelines(the song) brought back the synths and gave me some Этажи vibes. Simple, yet very cool track. 

Igroteka didn't leave that much of an impression on me, and was another forgetable track. 

And finally, Radiowave. This is definetly one of my favourite songs from The End of Electronics. It reminded me a lot of Монумент, which is my favourite album from Molchat Doma. The vocals and guitar work were absolutely beautiful in this track. The melancholic nature of this track was amazing.

So, what are my final thoughts? This album was amazing, and even though it had a few lows, the rest of the record was just amazing.

Favourite tracks: Citizen, Doppelganger, Decadence, Proletarian Gothic, Goddess of The Underground, Safety Guidelines, Radiowave;
Score: 9/10


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