Top 10 The End of Electronics Songs

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be ranking my top 10 favourite TEoE songs. As always, this is entirely my opnion, you can disagree with it, you can write your list in the comment section if you wish. 

10) Decadence: Has a sense of melancholy to it. A pretty simple track overall, but really delivers, especially the guitar.

9) Proleterian Gothic: This song has a faster beat and a sense of urgency. The drums feel heavier than on other songs on Safety Guidlines. The guitar sounds absolutely amazing on this song.

8) Goddess of The Underground: This song has a dark feel to it. The bassline feels especially powerful on this song. The drums are also amazing.

7) Video Recorder: This track has a melancholic vibe to it, as I mentioned in the Union review, it sounds like your journey has been cut short due to something or someone dangerous in your vicinity.

6) Cosmonaut: This song also has a melancholic vibe to it, the vocals feel very oppressive and powerful, and the guitar sounds plain out depressed, in a good way.

5) Speed: Has a much more epic feel to it, with it's aggressive vocals and epic guitar work. Simple, yet amazing.

4) Night: Ah yes, the classic, Night. The fuzzy vocals, the layed-back drums, the catchy bassline, the beautiful guitar work, they work together so well.

3) Union: This calm track has an amazing bassline and easy-going drums. The vocals are just perfect and that chorus is so catchy. I often find myself involuntarily mumbling under my breath: "Радио Союз, вещает блюз. Радио Союз, Радио Союз!" I don't know, I love it.

2) Electroenergy:  I haven't talked about this song yet. It has a very clear rock feel. I love rock, and this dark sounding song is just absolutely amazing.

And finally...

1) Radiowave: The slow, melancholic feel I get from this song reminds me of the masterpiece that is Monument. The moment I heard it, I knew, this is the one. This song is perfection. Brilliant job, Mr. Skarletov!

Thank you for reading my top 10. Feel free to comment your's below.

album art for electroenergy.


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