Pink Floyd - Obscured By Clouds

 Welcome back everyone to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Pink Floyd's Obscured By Clouds. Not that many people talk about this album, as it is sandwiched inbetween Meddle and TDSOTM. But, hey! We have to get through it if we wanna reach The Big 4.

We start the album rather weakly with the title track, it's a slow guitar driven song, with little substance to it. The drums aren't anything special either. Really mediocre track.

The next song is When You're In, which is, unfortunately, another mediocre track. Little to no substance at all.

Burning Bridges was much better, featuring the first vocals of the album, and a slow, but groovy feel to it. The guitar sounded so nice on this track and drums were surprisingly soothing. A great song overall, also love the guitar solo towards the end.

The Gold It's In The... was a really classic rock song. Just epic rock. That's all.

Next we have Wots... Uh The Deal was a calm track. Nothing much to say. Classic Pink Floyd stuff. A bit long though.

Mudmen was incredible. Some amazing guitar work and beautiful piano melodies.

Childhood's End was a mediocre track. The vocals were meh, and the guitar was OK. I did enjoy the guitar solo around the 3 minute mark, but generally, nothing special in my opinion.

Free Four was another mediocre track. I didn't find anything mind-blowing.

Stay was pretty nice. Some nice piano melodies and guitar work.

And finally, Absolutely Curtains was a much more dramatic song, building up to something. And that something, might just have been... The Dark Side Of The Moon.

The album was OK, but what confuses me is the fact that a lot of these tracks end with 20 seconds of silence for no good reason. Was a bit odd, but generally, this record was OK.

Favourite tracks: Burning Bridges, The Gold It's In The..., Mudmen, Stay, Absolutely Curtains;
Score: 6/10


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