Queen - The Works

 Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, we are reviewing The Works. After the disaster that was Hot Space, I was hoping for a better up, and return to their original sound. I somewhat found that.

We start with Radio Ga Ga. No comment needed.

Tear It Up sounded a bit generic, in my opinion. Nothing special, but would have fit very well on their debut.

It's A Hard Life was a wonderful ballad. Nothing else to say.

Man On The Prowl was a rockabilly, but whilst Crazy Little Thing Called Love was catchy and more fast paced, this one just fades in the background.

Machines sounded very weird. That's it. Not even the rock parts were that special. Rather forgettable, honestly.

i   w a n t   t o   b r e a k   f r e e .

Keep Passing The Open Windows was a pretty nice rock song, but rather generic. No outstanding vocals, no crazy guitar solo, just mediocre stuff.

Hammer To Fall was a very nice hard rock song. Not much else to say, just really frickin sweet.

Finally, we end with Is This The World We Created...?, a slow song, with a nice message. A nice way to end this album.

So, this album is not that bad, a step up from Hot Space, but neither is it that good. It kinda just fades out in the background. Also a lot of these songs are too long.

Favourite tracks: Radio Ga Ga, It's A Hard Life, I Want To Break Free, Hammer To Fall, Is This The World We Created...?;
Score: 6/10


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