Metallica - Ride The Lightning
Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reviewing Metallica's sophomore release, Ride The Lightning. For this album, the band decided to go for more progressive instrumentation and less of the speedy tracks from their debut . What came out of those sessions was my favourite Metallica album... We start with Fight Fire With Fire, which at first seems to be an acoustic ballad, before it descends into chaos. The guitars are fast and atonal, the drums are hard hitting and the vocals are so raspy and cruel. Then, at the 2:37 minute mark, we hit a solo that sounds so frantic and dirty, it's amazing. This is one of the best openers I've heard. Next we have my favourite Metallica song, the title track. It's menacing in it's oppressing sound, and not it's speed, as it is on the slower side of thrash. Also, that iconic opening riff at the beginning is pure joy to my ears. Around the 3 minute mark we also hit one of my favourite solos from Metallica. It...